Even though the cancer of head and neck is quite rare, it still exists. It is easy to confuse the symptoms of head and neck cancer with other ailments. If you start experiencing any of the symptoms, contact your doctor immediately to make sure whether the symptoms appearing are due to cancer or some other ailment.
Lesions or sores in the oral cavity are generally associated with this condition. The lesions can be white or red in color. However, it is likely that the red colored lesions can turn out to be cancerous. Consult a doctor if the lesions in your mouth do not heal within two weeks.
Some other symptoms such as change in voice or consistent hoarseness may indicate the onset of this condition. Other symptoms may include bleeding in the throat and mouth, difficulty in swallowing or ear pain.

People who do not smoke or drink in excessive amounts are less likely to be affected by this condition. Even if you are indulged in these habits, make sure you either cut it down or quit immediately to avoid the development of such condition in your body. No symptom should be left untreated and all the precautionary measures should be taken to avoid such kind of trouble. Looking for a good headand neck cancer consultant in Noida? Know more details regarding the same.


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