Cervical cancer is a condition, in which abnormal cells grow out of control in cervix, the lower portion of uterus that opens into vagina. It can be treated if detected at an early stage. Pap test is conducted in order to detect this cancer at an early stage. 80 to 90% of cervical cancers are squamous cell cancers. In 99% of cases, cervical cancer happens due to change in cell DNA caused by a virus caused Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Almost 100 different kinds of low-risk HPVs are there that do not cause cervical cancer. HPV can be transmitted through sexual contact. It is advisable for women to go for regular Pap tests.
Smoking can cause various kinds of cancer including cervical cancer. Women experiencing high levels of stress, or women who deliver children at a very young age are more likely to develop this medical condition. Multiple pregnancies and long-term use of contraceptive pills raises the possibility of cervical cancer.
Symptoms of cervical cancer:
  • Pain at the time of sex.
  • Bleeding post menopause.
  • Bleeding after sex.
  • Bleeding after sexual intercourse.
  • Pelvic pain.
  • Pain while urinating.
  • Abnormal and smelly vaginal discharge.
Treatments of cervical cancer include chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy or combination of any of these. What treatment has to be given is decided on the basis of patient’s state of health, age as well as the stage of cancer. Surgery is a common method of treatment if cancer is confined to the cervix area. Palliative therapy is used in the advanced stages of cancer in order to improve life quality and relieve symptoms of the same.
Dr. Manish Singhal is a reputed cervical cancer doctor in Noida and best cancer doctors in noida. For more details contact our website. Various hospitals treat such kind of cancers efficiently.


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