Cancer of the blood cells is known as
Leukemia. In this condition, the bone marrow starts producing numerous abnormal
white blood cells. Gradually, the healthy cells are outnumbered causing
bleeding, anaemia and infection.
Types of Leukemia
Chronic myelogenous leukemia
(CML) - adults are mainly affected by this. Negligible symptoms appear in the
initial stages and myleoid cells are affected by the same.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
(CLL) – generally seen in people above 55, this condition affects the lymphoid
Acute myelogenous leukemia
(AML) – this condition is most commonly seen in adults. It affects the myleoid
cells and grows rapidly. Children too might get affected.
Acute lymphocytic leukemia
(ALL) – this condition is most commonly found in children even though adults
too can get affected by the same. Lymphoid cells are affected by the same and
grow rapidly.
Factors causing leukemia:
Smoking- risk of AML increasing
due to incessant smoking.
Exposure to high level
radiations- it greatly increases your chance of getting affected by this
Chemical exposure- AML can be
caused to due exposure to chemicals such as benzene. Greatly used in the
chemical industry, benzene is found in cigarette smoke and gasoline.
The risk of AML can be
increased due to blood disorders such as Myelodysplastic syndrome.
Disorders in genes- genetic
disorders such as down’s syndrome can be a factor as well.
Radiation therapy, chemotherapy and stem
cells transplant are some of the treatments meted out on patients suffering
with this condition. Wanna know about leukemiacancer consultant in Noida, contact us.
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