Lung cancer is known to be fatal and among all cancers, it is the one which is majorly responsible for most number of deaths. If caught in its earlier stages, it is curable. The nature and stage of cancer helps in deciding what kind of treatment should be carried out. Here, we have tried to give you an overview of the possible treatments of the same.

The most common way of treatment, no doubt, is surgery. In this, along with the affected part, the tumor is also removed. Although being a popular choice of treatment, its feasibility depends majorly on the stage of the cancer.  If cancer has spread to various parts of the body, surgery is not recommended.

Radiation therapy is used in order to shrink the tumor prior to surgery or wipe out the remaining cancerous cells if any post surgery. It can also be used as the primary method of treatment. This kind of treatment might involve certain side effects as well.

Special drugs are used in order to destroy cancer cells in chemotherapy. But the bad part is, it can kill healthy cells too which in turn becomes the cause of many a side effects. Complimentary theories such as yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, therapeutic touch etc. have proven to be extremely beneficial as well. Looking for good treatment of lung cancer in Noida? Connect with us.


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